Julian's Honours |
hmmmm...... |
P.G.W. League Runner up - Serie I Ken Bates Trophy Winner - Serie D Coupe de Perry Groves Winner - Serie D F.A. (to play for) Cup Winner - Serie H F.A. Cup League Winner - Serie G |
Mr. Wooden Spoon himself, Julian seems to finally be moving away from that bottom slot (ooohhh errr missus!!!), with now four consecutive seasons without any woodenware to show for it. In the last two season he has actually being challanging for silverware and getting closer to the elusive title by finishing 3rd and then 2nd... 1st in Serie J ???. It was always said he would do much better if he actually bothered to participate beyond the auction, (something he proved to be right during Serie H & I) where he always seems to pick the basis of a good squad (although lets not forget Jeremy Goss and Marco Gabbiadini!!!). Dubbed the 'Non-league team' by the dynamic duo of Nigel & Kevin, but in recent seasons has hit new highs, which is much more than can be said of the afore mentioned 'bumbling duo'. Drinks with the big boys, especially at the auction, but then he has too as he's normally done his cash in the first hour. |
Stats Perry Groves All Time Ranking - 9th (315.56 pts) Highest score - 427 pts (Serie I) Lowest Score - 233 pts (Serie E) Highest Finish - 2nd (Serie I) Lowest Finish - 9th (Serie D, Serie E & Serie J) |
Team Names
Page updated on - 18 August 2003